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The Oxbridge Centre of Regenerative Medicine (II) supported 8 postdoctoral positions associated with the award. The positions were for three years with an end date no later than 30th September 2021.

Details of the projects and lead PIs are below, together with the researchers appointed to the project.


Principle investigator


Robin Choudhury RobinChoudhurysquarealternative.jpg Strategies for therapeutic intervention to modify fibrosis in experimental myocardial infarction Daniela Pezzolla Daniela Pezzolla.jpg
Shoumo Bhattacharya Shoumo square alternative.jpg Evasin therapeutics for modulating inflammation during cardiovascular repair and regeneration
Nicola Smart Nicola Smart - BHF Ian Fleming Fellow and Professor of Cardiovascular Science Targeting the endocardium to augment neovascularisation of the ischaemic heart Vignesh Murugesan Vignesh Murugesan.jpeg
Angela Russell Angela Russell square.jpg Pharmacological augmentation of epicardial-derived cardiovascular regeneration mechanisms Tahnee Kennedy Tahnee Kennedy.jpg
Sanjay Sinha Sanjay Sinha - BHF Senior Clinical Research Fellow Epicardial-myocardial crosstalk: embryonic pathways essential for myocardial regeneration Vincent Knight-Schrijver Vincent Knight-Schrijver.jpg
Helle Jorgensen Helle Jorgensen - BHF University Lecturer in Stem Cell and Developmental Biology Stimulation of resident arterial smooth muscle cell proliferation Şebnem Öç Sebnem_Oc.jpg
Rebecca Richardson Rebecca Richardson - BHF Intermediate Research Fellow Characterising the pro-fibrotic versus pro-regenerative roles of zebrafish osteopontin Rebecca Ryan Rebecca Ryan.jpg
Enrique Amaya Enrique Amaya square.png Identifying the critical downstream targets of sustained ROS production during heart regeneration Lauren Phipps Lauren Phipps - Research Associate
Sanjay Sinha Sanjay Sinha - BHF Senior Clinical Research Fellow

Next-generation multicellular prevascularised ‘cardiac patch’ for cardiac repair post myocardial injury in a rat model

 Maria Colzani



The Oxbridge Centre of Regenerative Medicine (I) awarded two 3-year Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (2014-2017). The fellowships were collaborative with joint supervision between Oxford and Cambridge. Please follow the link below to learn more about the researchers and their projects.

The Centre also recruited two senior Research Technicians to provide core support to Centre investigators.

Please follow the link below for more information on Research Technicians and the projects they have supported.


Click here for more information