Aim 1. Targeting resident cell-based repair
1.1 Translating the therapeutic potential of the epicardium
- Characterisation of the full tissue-resident potential of activated adult epicardial cells (EPDCs)
- Lead candidate small-molecule-activators of human EPDCs via high throughput phenotypic screening (HTS) and drug discovery
- Generation of GMP hESC- epicardium (with UKRMP)
- Development of functional vascularised patches for treatment of impaired LV function post-MI
1.2 Identifying targets to induce neovascularisation, collateral growth and vascular support
- Identification and functional characterisation of novel cellular sources of new coronary blood and lymphatic vessels post-MI
- Insight into the gene regulatory networks which determine neovascularisation post-MI and identification of therapeutic regulators of coronary endothelium
- Small molecule leads for induction of coronary endothelial cells (ECs) from a human ESC-derived endocardium model
- Identification and evaluation of vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) responses post-MI and strategies to augment VSMC proliferation to improve collateral support of new vessel formation from 1) above.
Our Team
Paul Riley
BHF Professor of Regenerative Medicine & Chair of Development and Cell Biology
Martin Bennett
BHF Professor of Cardiovascular Sciences
Serena Best
Professor of Materials Science
Ruth Cameron
Professor of Materials Science
Matt Daniels
Visiting Scientist
Cedric Ghevaert
Senior Lecturer Transfusion Medicine
Bertie Gottgens
Professor of Molecular Haematology
Shane Herbert
Wellcome Trust Research Career Development Fellow
Helle Jorgensen
BHF University Lecturer in Stem Cell and Developmental Biology
Chuck Murry
Professor of Pathology, Bioengineering and Medicine/Cardiology
Roger Patient
Visiting Professor of Developmental Genetics
Amer Rana
BHF University Lecturer in Regenerative Medicine
Angela Russell
Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
Jurgen Schneider
Visiting Professor of Medical Imaging
Sanjay Sinha
BHF Senior Clinical Research Fellow
Nicola Smart
BHF Ian Fleming Fellow and Professor of Cardiovascular Science
Shankar Srinivas
Professor of Developmental Biology
Ellie Tzima
Professor of Cardiovascular Biology
Ludovic Vallier
Professor of Regenerative Medicine