Experiments to support resubmission of BHF Project Grant to investigate the role of Jcad in vascular remodelling
- 1 February 2019 to 31 March 2019
- Awards: Pump-priming Awards
We have recently submitted a project grant to the BHF to investigate the endothelial cell-specific effects of Jcad in vascular remodelling in response to both pathological conditions such as hind limb ischemia and physiological conditions such as exercise. The grant was well received, with many positive comments, but we have been asked to supply additional pilot data to demonstrate the feasibility of the endothelial cell studies. The aim of this pump priming application is to provide important preliminary data to enable resubmission of this grant, which will result in award of the grant.
Aims: Generate proteomic data in primary human endothelial cells to support a BHF project grant resubmission.