Can wearable devices be used to record arrhythmias and physical activity for streamlined cardiovascular trials in dialysis patients?
- 1 June 2016 to 31 December 2017
- Awards: Pump-priming Awards
Feasibility of Using Wearable Devices to Record Arrhythmias and Physical Activity in Patients on Haemodialysis: We fitted a wrist-worn AxivityAX3 and chest-worn ZioPatchXT to 103 dialysis patients and recorded information on wear time, physical activity and cardiac arrhythmias. We found that both these devices were convenient, acceptable and feasible methods to record ≥10 days of physical activity and continuous ECG data in dialysis patients. Ventricular tachyarrhythmias were common. We concluded that these devices could be used to characterize participants, including outcomes, in trials of cardiovascular interventions in this population.