UK Biobank (UKB) Research Analysis Platform (RAP)
UKB is a large-scale biomedical database and research resource, containing in-depth genetic and health information from 0.5 million UK participants, including sociodemographics, environmental factors, lifestyle factors, blood biochemistry assays, health outcome linkage, multimodal imaging, genotypes, metabolomics, wearable device derived data, proteomics, whole exome sequencing, whole genome sequencing, etc. The total size of UK Biobank resources is expected to exceed 20 Petabytes in 2023. The UKB RAP, enabled by DNAnexus technology and powered by Amazon Web Services, has been designed to accommodate the rapid growth of the resource and to enable more researchers across the world to access these data without limitations of transferring, collating, storing, and accessing data at this scale. It brings the researchers to the data, making access and compute more widely available.
- provides access to UKB data to all researchers with approved UKB projects.
- provides multiple ways to interact with the platform: (1) web browser, (2) executables, command line interface, and programming languages, (3) batch jobs, and (4) building your own tools.
- provides built-in tool repository with apps and workflows for bioinformatics, genetics, and statistical analysis
- supports multiple commonly used analytic languages: R, bash, Python, Stata.
- provides customised computing resources: Spark cluster support on multiple instances; machine learning and GPU instances; HAIL and other distributed frameworks.
Data storage and analysis may occur fees.
We offer (1) platform exploration credits of £40 for all RAP users, and (2) UKB Platform Credits Programme for early career researchers and researchers from low-middle income countries.
Contact Dr Qi Feng
For more information please visit:
- online documentation
- helpdesk
- online training
- community portal