BHF CRE Annual Symposium 2016
Monday, 19 September 2016
View the programme here
View photos from the event here (photos by Phil Townsend)
Student poster prize winner 2016
Title: Development of Small Molecule PAK1 Activators for the Treatment of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Ventricular Arrhythmias
Student posters commended 2016
Michael Weinberger
Title: Investigating epicardial heterogeneity during zebrafish heart development
Emma N. Bardsley
Title: Do b Adrenergic Blockers Also Work via the Peripheral Sympathetic Nervous System?
Title: Res Measuring Myofilament Specific Ca2+ Handling in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy with Novel Genetically Encoded Ca2+ Sensors
Researcher (non-student) posters commended 2016
Dr Aaron T. Hess
Title: Respiratory gating in MRI using the RF safety monitor for high resolution human cardiac cine
Dr Richard Bulbulia
Title: Individual patient data analysis of 5226 patients in the asymptomatic carotid surgery trials: Benefits and hazards of immediate surgery in patients taking good medical therapy - Carotid surgery prevents ipsilateral and contralateral strokes.