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BHF Visit - Early career funding workshop in Oxford

Date: Thursday 19th September 2019

Time: 10am – 2pm (including sandwich lunch)

Venue: Lecture Theatre & Library, DPAG, Sherrington Building, Parks Road

Registration is free, but ESSENTIAL

Register here now to secure a place. Registration deadline Wednesday 11th  September.

BHF research advisors will be in Oxford on the 19th September to discuss research funding opportunities and application processes.

The workshop is aimed at early career researchers including final year graduate students, departmental grants teams and research facilitators across the entire cardiovascular research spectrum, from discovery science through to clinical and population health research.

The BHF head office team will discuss funding schemes and processes including project grants and fellowships, current Oxford BHF fellowship holders will present their experiences and tips for working with the BHF, and there will be advice from a current BHF Panel member on how to optimise your chances of success.


This event is hosted by the University of Oxford Research Services, a collaboration between the Divisions of MPLS and Medical Sciences.

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