Automated Motion Correction and 3D Vessel Centerlines Reconstruction from Non-simultaneous Angiographic Projections
Banerjee A., Kharbanda RK., Choudhury RP., Grau V.
© 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Automated estimation of 3D centerlines is necessary to transform angiographic projections into accurate 3D reconstructions. Although several methods exist for 3D centerline reconstruction, most of them are sensitive to the motion in coronary arteries when images are acquired by a single-plane rotational X-ray system. The objective of the proposed method is to rectify the motion-related deformations in coronary vessels from 2D projections and subsequently achieve an optimal 3D centerline reconstruction. Rigid motion in arteries is removed by estimating the optimal rigid transformation from all projection planes. The remaining non-rigid motion at end-diastole is modelled by a radial basis function based warping of 2D centerlines. Point correspondences are then generated from all projection planes by least squares matching. The final 3D centerlines are obtained by 3D non-uniform rational basis splines fitting over generated point correspondences. Experimental analysis over 20 coronary vessel trees (12 right coronary artery: RCA and 8 left coronary artery: LCA) demonstrates that the rigid transformation is able to reduce the coronary vessel movements to 0.72 mm average, while the final 3D centerline reconstruction achieves an average rms error of 0.31 mm, when backprojected on angiographic planes.