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What's new

New translational study from the Lakhal-Littleton Lab published in the European Heart Journal

The study's chief investigator, Professor Lakhal-Littleton said ‘This study is a prime example of why translational and mechanistic research should underpin the design of clinical trials, and our thanks to the BHF Oxford CRE for supporting the study with pump priming funds”.

Heart scans could help thousands avoid unnecessary invasive procedure

Thousands of patients admitted to hospital every year with suspected heart attacks could avoid an unnecessary invasive procedure if they have a routine heart MRI scan first, according to research led by the Radcliffe Department of Medicine.

AI analysis of routine heart scans can predict risk of a developing heart problems ten years in advance, new research finds

A research team led by scientists at the Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford has developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology which can accurately predict the risk of a heart attack, heart failure or cardiac death from routine cardiac CT scans, up to ten years in advance.

University of Oxford research receives £5 million funding boost from British Heart Foundation

The BHF has renewed their support for the Oxford Centre of Research Excellence, which underpins the wide network of cardiovascular researchers across the University.